"Hi, my name is Mark Rockwell, with Rockwell Farms Nursery and this is our garden. Here in our garden we test everything and this year we thought that we would test putting hoops up. Now this is cattle panel and the cattle panel that we use is called 6-4. The tensile strength of the metal going this way is 6 grade which is quite strong and then the weaker grade is 4 going this way and we just put it on our raised bed and so far it has worked wonderful. Over here you'll see that we're growing cantaloupe above ground. Here we're growing baby watermelon, here and here. So far so good as far as our growth and what we really wanted to know was can we grow underneath the canopy and so what we did was we planted okra which needs full sun, loves the sun and we wanted to know if we could get a harvest growing okra under our canopy and if you look here, apparently I need a harvest, as you see it grows okra, yeah those are 5 inches, I should have picked those yesterday, oh yeah, we need to harvest some okra. I know what we're having tonight."
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